The Kheper Scarab at Karnak Temple
The scarabs, dung beetles, were associated with the theology of the ancient Egyptians and represented their sacred beliefs. They belong to the family of Scarabaeidae and performed the earthly presence of the sun god Ra in their worldview of life and its evolution. Their connection with the sun god lies in the fact of the sight of the beetle rolling a ball of manure in order to eat, also by this to lay his eggs that would transform into a larva, identical to Ra's actions in the celestial dome for the purpose of transporting bodies and spirits.
It is understood that the ancient Egyptians of the countryside saw the beetle appear from the ground dragging a ball of manure which was exposed under the sun to dry, while soon the larva would be emerged from this wet sphere. This move was considered a symbolic depiction of the intention of the solar god Ra to create a sunny day and was associated with the achievement of good luck to people, who were destined to receive a corresponding bliss and rebirth.
These perceptions reinforce our knowledge of the secular perceptions of the ancient Egyptians. An example of the importance they attached to the scarab is found in the granite statue that still stands today in Karnak, and it is exposed to public view by tourists visiting the temples of the complex. This is a huge statue dedicated to the pharaoh Amenhotep III. It is located near the sacred lake of Pharaoh Tuthmose III, and specifically in the northeast corner.
It is a statue very popular since antiquity, as one of the three manifestations of the solar god Ra and a symbol of good luck. This view is still valid and for this reason tourists are encouraged by tour guides to make a circular walk around the statue in order to achieve good luck and success in their lives.
The interested can seek the realization of a wish that is related to personal, professional or financial benefit. The achievement of the desired, according to the practice followed, is achieved with at least 3 cycles in order to fulfil a simple wish and reaches 7 cycles to pursue something more valuable, while it is possible to do up to 21 cycles in case of very difficult cases.